It is a strange place our world at present, where silence seems to be an extraordinary quality that in normal circumstances alludes us. Our world is usually a place of haste, where we hear the clatter of shoes on the side walk and the noise of traffic.
The rush and pace of life is what we are used to, consequently silence frightens many and disturbs them. It is similar all around the world, as nations cope with the epidemic in this way, in a silence that can seem deafening.
It was this kind of searing pain of silence, that hit the disciples as they trudged home after the crucifixion. No more shouting from the crowds, or soldiers angry commands. The Lord's friends, crept home in silence bewildered and frightened, desolate at the loss of the Lord.
They had seen the horrific crucifixion and they were broken, confused and afraid. It was inevitable that they asked the familiar questions that we all do when catastrophe happens. Why didn't I speak up or show my love at the time? The cross had taken the one person who they had trusted, what were they to do now?
The cross in all its ruggedness was harsh, and unyielding. It was the place of ultimate sacrifice and death, that all would hurry away from.....A ultimately it is not just a significant part of Christianity, it is where our faith resides. The key, to the puzzle that God elected for all to search for.
His distinct and perfect plan for all mankind, had at its centre the cross. It is the place of brokenness that has to be experienced.
Good Friday with all its pain and suffering, allows us to contemplate the very sacrifice that was given for the world.
It is a fact, that if you never consider and contemplate the experience of the cross with all its horrors. The value of resurrection Sunday will fail to have the same significance.
The sinfulness of each individual was lain on the cross and carried by our Saviour.
A sacrifice that was given in such love needs a response from every person. This gift given with humility and love had to be endured, manifested at the crucifixion.
Whatever crisis is happening in your life, the cross with its pain and suffering is a place to sit and contemplate. The Saviour of the world died on that cross for you.
John 3 v16
Where are you walking today in the silence, are you damaged through the situation that you are experiencing? Do you know that the Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross for you and he would have done it, even if you had been the only one to say thank you?
The sinfulness we inherit and live in, is so much like the virus, insidious unseen and everywhere. Jesus Christ gave up his sinless life so that we could have cleansing, and forgiveness. He is just a prayer a way, why not lift up your head and speak to him?
Colossians 1 v15 He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation. For by him all things were created:things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible............. He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.