Selina Maxwell

Having had a near death experience in her early 20’s, Selina returned to her body with a clear awareness of having had passed over and traveling through the tunnel of light at breakneck speed. The colors of heaven were vibrant and the flowers, trees, plant life were alive with color and vibrating energy that emanated from them much like circular waves. The serenity was indescribable. Selina’s paternal grandmother who had passed over a decade earlier met her at Heaven’s glorious gate. The conversation was brief and Selina’s grandmother said that is was not time for her to stay and that she had to go back and return to physical form.

Selina returned to her body back through the tunnel of light at the same speed that she traveled at the first time and landed with a thud much like one does a belly flop when diving into a pool. Shortly thereafter, a process of automatic writing began to manifest at the most unexpected times. Selina would have no clear intent of what she planned to write. She would hold the pen over her writing paper and messages of spiritual and life wisdoms would come through. There is healing in the spoken and written word. It is Selina’s wish that there may be insights within these writings from Spirit that may benefit you. The writings cover a range of topics, including happiness, love, anger, maturity, general observations, relationships, self discovery, and empowerment as well as spiritual and religious perspectives.