Bitterness and unforgiveness frequently go together. There will be times when you think you can’t forgive someone who has wronged you. Regardless of what you think, God will not forgive you of the things that you have done, until you are willing to forgive.
Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
No one with unforgiven sin can enter Heaven. Even if you were able to claim that you have no sin, if you have not forgiven someone who has wronged you, God will not cleanse your past, as seen in Matthew 6:14, 15, and Mark 11:25, 26.
The word forgive means to cease to feel angry or resentful, and no longer hold it against the person. The question should not be: Can I forgive the person, but am I willing to forgive? When you are willing to forgive the person who has wronged you, then the Lord will give you the ability to forgive.