The Beauty of His Holines

Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 29:2 

The scriptures teach us that we are to first approach God through praise and worship. Few realize that God’s power starts to be released to you through true praise. The evil forces realize this, and will give you thoughts to try to distract you when you start to praise the Lord. 

Why do people not see many victories during the time of praise and worship in some places? They may not be expecting answers, and are not believing for them. However a bigger reason is some may not be worshiping in the beauty of holiness. In the sight of the Lord true holiness is not a part of your nature, and it gets covered up by a religious mask. The time will come when this mask will be ripped off and will be exposed. Start every day with praise and worship, then ask for divine guidance.

A Biblical Perspective For Todays World Problems

PR ~ With wisdom and insight, Author Lou V. Walker offers a biblical perspective to society’s woes and the sin that pervades cultures in the past and our present day society.  Understanding that your God is a righteous God is the first step in revealing life’s obstacles and overcoming them.  Ms. Lou V. Walker encourages all to stand firmly upon the Word of God and receive the blessings that come from being a child of God.

Ms. Lou V. Walker releases, Because the Lord is Your Shepherd: We Must Teach Those in the Next Generation, giving insight to walking with and knowing personally the One true Living God, Jesus Christ. 

Revealing the nature of God as the Son of Man who ransomed many, this uplifting book is about learning, and knowing God as your Shepherd, Savior and Redeemer – the One who is willing to work all things out for good (Romans 8:28).  One will begin to and comprehend the awesome privileges as a child of God reserved for those who seek and find Him.  Inspirational in nature, the book is filled with the rich and true promises of God that will bless your life now and forever. 

 You may get your copy of this wonderful book at Amazon.

Cast Your Burdens On The Lord

Many will tell you they have too many things to do, and can’t take on one more project.  Mothers will frequently state they have more things to do than they have time.  There are some who are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet.  All of these examples show many are carrying heavy loads.  If you feel you have a heavy load to carry, then Jesus has the answer to your need!  He tells you in Matthew 11:28 to come to Him and He will give you rest.  He plans to help you succeed in life, and not have to live a defeated one.  If you need to work several jobs to make ends meet, ask the Lord to give you wisdom to know what to do.  He can help you find the right position that will get rid of your frustrations, which will enable you to be a better witness for Him.

“Are you tired?  Worn out?  Come to Me.  Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take real rest.  Walk with Me and work with Me - watch how I do it.” 

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.